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AI College Counselor

CollegeTreasure.com AI College Counselor

Our AI College Counselor ChatBot has been trained on materials from top college consultants.  You can ask the chatbot questions about how to choose a college, what colleges are looking for,  who should write your letters of recommendation, how to evaluate learning disability programs at colleges, and more. 

We have trained the chatbot on material from consultants like Artie Smith of Arthur Smith Advising.  Artie is a former Cornell admission officer and head track coach.  

We have also trained the chatbot on material from Eric Endlich of Top College Consultants. Eric specializes in the college search for neuro divergent students.  

We have also trained the chatbot on our own materials.  We also offer webinars for school districts and then use the questions and answers from the webinars to further train our chatbot.  If you ask a question, and we can’t answer it, we will let you know.  Then, we will find the answer and upload it to the chatbot so that the next time someone asks the question, we can answer it.  We are continually improving our chatbot.   

Send us an email if you would like information on how we can offer a webinar for your school district.