About Us
Our Mission
Our mission is to catalog all of the $11 Billion in college-based merit aid available to make it easy for students to locate schools where they are eligible for scholarships. Further, in the future we hope to catalog all talent based scholarships (art/music/theater) and other non-need based scholarships so we can become a truly comprehensive source of college funding and enable students to attend the college of their dreams.

Who We Are
CollegeTreasure.com This is an attempt to bring clarity to the college financing picture. In addition to articles and tips about the need-based aid process, we have amassed a data-base of over 11,000 college-based merit scholarships. Our research team called the colleges and viewed their websites in order to collect this information. The information is intended as a guide, a tool to help students identify a potential “financial safety”. The criteria listed are either minimum criteria as listed on the website, or in some cases we asked the school for the averages of last year’s winners. We then entered numbers lower than their SAT and GPA averages, knowing that many students were given scholarships with scores below these numbers. Our goal is to partner with the colleges to update this information. If you are a college, and would like to have us create a free account for you so that you can update your scholarship information and publicize your scholarships to interested students, email colleges@collegetreasure.com. Our goal is to create partnership with the colleges to help publicize their scholarship programs and help potential students avoid the “sticker shock” created by learning about the tuition at their favorite colleges.
CollegeTreasure.com is a division of First Choice College Placement LLC . First Choice has been assisting students in all aspects of the college search since 1999.