Chegg Scholarships
Chegg scholarships are one piece of the college funding puzzle. Private scholarships only provide a small piece of overall college funding. Chegg Scholarships are easy to search and find and Chegg has a great database of private scholarships. However, the larger scholarships are provided by the colleges themselves. You can easily search for college based scholarships on You can do so in two ways: our scholarship quick search and our scholarship advanced search. Even so, it is still worthwhile to look for private scholarships. Here is a list of resources that we have put together to help you search for scholarships:
Free Scholarship Guide and $1,000 Monthly Scholarship Entry
Your RoadMap to Christian College – $2,000 Scholarship
$2,500 Christian College Scholarship
FastWeb Scholarships
Niche Scholarships
Scholarship Points
Chegg Scholarships
How To Use Local Scholarships
Our hope is that you will use private scholarships to supplement your other sources of funding. We believe that with a solid college plan, you will be able to find colleges that are financially feasible. We offer a number of resources to help you minimize your college expenses. If you are unsure of how to start the college search process we can help. We recommend that you take our free Solving the College Puzzle course. In addition, improving your SAT or ACT scores will help improve your eligibility for college-based merit scholarships.
Why You Should Look for Local Scholarships
While there are many great databases of national private scholarships, like Chegg scholarships, you have a better chance of winning local scholarships. In order to find them, you may want to check with your local Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, community foundation, et cetera. Start by Googling your town name and one of those previous organizations. Then you will be able to find contact information, so that you can email them and ask them if they offer scholarships. If they do offer scholarships, ask if they can send you the application. While the large national scholarship competitions will have tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of applicants, the local scholarships typically have around 10 applicants or so per scholarship, giving you a much better chance of winning.