UCLA Scholarships
UCLA offers several different scholarship programs. Below you will find all of the UCLA scholarships that we have in our database. In addition, you will be able to see the amounts of the UCLA scholarships, the merit scholarship requirements, and the scholarship deadlines. If you would like to find other scholarships based on your SAT or ACT and the states where you would like to go to school, you can either use our scholarship quick finder or create a free account and use our scholarship advanced search, that gives you the option to save a list of your favorite colleges and create deadline reminders. In addition, if you would like to improve your SAT or ACT scores to improve your chances of winning UCLA scholarships you can utilize our free self-guided SAT course or self-guided ACT course. In addition, our sister company First Choice College offers private tutoring for the SAT and ACT and they can help you improve your scores so you can win UCLA scholarships.